

作者: 1王丽荣, 1陶瑞雪
1 合肥市第一人民医院产科,合肥 230001
通讯: 王丽荣 Email: 18955151682@189.cn
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.03.015


目的:研究侧脑室增宽胎儿的临床特点及预后。方法:选取2016年1月至2018年10月在合肥市第一人民医院产检并已分娩的妊娠期胎儿侧脑室增宽的单胎孕妇50例为研究对象,取同期产检及分娩的胎儿侧脑室正常的单胎孕妇50例为对照组。将研究组按照初诊侧脑室增宽程度分为侧脑室轻度增宽(10~12 mm,A组),中度增宽(13~15 mm,B组),重度增宽(>15 mm,C组)。比较A,B,C组影像学结果、血清学筛查及介入性产前诊断结果、妊娠结局及出生后随访情况,并比较研究组与对照组分娩方式及新生儿情况。结果:A,B,C组在合并染色体异常、合并其他超声软指标、胎儿畸形、引产、新生儿Apgar评分等方面的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),3组新生儿NABA得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);左侧脑室的增宽程度与NABA得分呈负相关(P<0.05);研究组与对照组在分娩方式、新生儿体重、Apgar评分等方面的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);对照组NABA评分高于研究组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:胎儿侧脑室增宽增加出生后神经系统发育不良的风险,重度增宽及左侧脑室增宽与出生后神经系统发育不良密切相关。
关键词: 胎儿侧脑室增宽;临床特点;预后

Clinical analysis of 50 cases of fetal lateral ventricular enlargement during pregnancy

Authors: 1WANG Lirong, 1TAO Ruixue
1 Department of Obstetrics, Hefei First People’s Hospital, Hefei 230001, China

CorrespondingAuthor: WANG Lirong Email: 18955151682@189.cn

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2020.03.015


Objective: To study the clinical characteristics and prognosis of fetus with lateral ventricular enlargement. Methods: Fifty cases of single fetus with lateral ventricular enlargement during pregnancy were selected from January 2016 to October 2018 in Hefei First People’s Hospital, and 50 cases of single fetus with normal paracele width during the same period were included as control. Participants in the case group were divided into 3 groups according to the degree of newly diagnosed lateral ventricular enlargement: Group A (10–12 mm), Group B (13–15 mm), and Group C (>15 mm). The results of imaging, serological screening and interventional prenatal diagnosis, pregnancy outcomes and postnatal follow-up were compared among the A, B, and C groups. The delivery mode and neonatal status of the study group and the control group were compared. Results: There was no statistical difference in the three groups of neonates with chromosomal abnormalities, other soft ultrasound indicators, fetal malformations, induced labor and Apgar score. There were significant differences in NABA among the three groups (P<0.05), and the degree of left ventricle widening was negatively correlated with NABA scores (P<0.05). No statistical difference in delivery mode, neonatal weight and Apgar scores between the study group and the control group was observed (P>0.05), whereas NABA scores in the control group were higher than that in the study group (P<0.05). Conclusion: Fetal lateral ventricular enlargement increases the risk of postnatal nervous system dysplasia. Severe enlargement and left ventricular enlargement are closely related to postnatal nervous system dysplasia.
Keywords: fetal lateral ventricular enlargement; clinical features; prognosis
