

作者: 1杨芳, 1郭瑞凤
1 福州总医院心血管内科,福州 350001
通讯: 郭瑞凤 Email: 250255973@qq.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959. 2018.12.031


关键词: 益生菌;肠内营养;重症患者

Application of probiotics combined with enteral nutrition in the treatment of critical patients

Authors: 1YANG Fang, 1GUO Ruifeng
1 Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Fuzhou General Hospital, Fuzhou 350001, China

CorrespondingAuthor: GUO Ruifeng Email: 250255973@qq.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959. 2018.12.031


Enteral nutrition is a commonly used nutritional support method for severe patients at present. Under stress conditions, the intestinal microenvironmental of critical patients changes, intestinal dysbacteriosis occurs and pathogens increase. Probiotics combine with enteral nutrition can protect intestinal mucosa, reduce diarrhea, abdominal distension and the occurrence of infection, enhance immunity, and promote the recovery of patients, which is now used to treat a variety of critical diseases.
Keywords: probiotics; enteral nutrition; critical patient
