

作者: 1吴迪, 1彭森
1 徐州市中心医院,东南大学医学院附属徐州医院病理科,江苏 徐州 221009
通讯: 彭森 Email: ps1117@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.10.036


收集2例十二指肠神经节细胞副神经节瘤(ganglion paraganglioma,GP)临床资料进行病理分析,对其手术标本采用HE染色及免疫组织化学染色进行病理学观察,并复习相关文献。光镜下可见神经内分泌细胞、梭形细胞和神经节细胞。神经内分泌细胞排列成巢或小梁状,梭形细胞分布在神经内分泌细胞巢中间,而神经节细胞单个散在分布;神经内分泌细胞CgA,Syn,CD56和CK阳性, Vimentin阳性。十二指肠GP是一种罕见的肿瘤,可发生在十二指肠各部分,根据其特征性的镜下表现并结合免疫组织化学可作出正确诊断。
关键词: 十二指肠肿瘤;神经节细胞副神经节瘤;免疫组织化学

Clinicopathological research of duodenal ganglion paraganglioma

Authors: 1WU Di, 1PENG Sen
1 Department of Pathology, Xuzhou Central Hospital, Xuzhou Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University Medical College, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221009, China

CorrespondingAuthor: PENG Sen Email: ps1117@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.10.036


The clinical data of two male patients with duodenal ganglion paraganglioma (GP) were collected and clinicopathological researched. HE staining and immunohistochemical staining were used to observe the pathological changes of the surgical specimens. The clinical and pathological features were analyzed by review the relevant cases reported in the literature. There are 3 cell components seen under the microscope: neuroendocrine cells, spindle cells and ganglion cells. Epithelioid cells arranged in nests or trabecular patterns; spindle cells were distributed in bundles or sheet patterns between nests of epithelioid cells; the ganglion cells scattered in a single or between these two types of cells. Immunohistochemically, the epithelioid cells were positive for CgA, Syn; the spindle cells were positive for Vimentin, and the ganglion cells were positive for CgA, Syn and S-100. GP is a rare tumor which is commonly located in the duodenum. The correct diagnosis can be made according to the specific pathological characteristics of the microscopic performance and immunohistochemistry.
Keywords: duodenal neoplasms; ganglion paraganglioma; immunohistochemistry
