

作者: 1阮韦韦, 1鲍超, 1李彦彩, 1陈栋
1 南京中医药大学附属医院针灸康复科,南京 210029
通讯: 鲍超 Email: drbaochao@163.com
DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.09.038
基金: 全国名老中医药专家传承工作室建设项目( 国中医药人教发2016-42)。


吴旭教授根据“小儿脾常不足,心常不足,肝常有余”得出小儿癫痫主要责之在痰,多因脾胃失 调而生痰,亦或受惊生风而动痰扰神,并常常与风、火、瘀、虚等相交为病。吴老治疗小儿癫痫 擅于从痰论治,通过针刺和温灸来化痰息风,从而达到安神、平阴阳的目的。在临床治疗过程 中,吴老强调疗效的关键为 “守神”和“治神”,且吴老认为起居调摄、家庭防护在癫痫的预防 中至关重要。
关键词: 名医经验;小儿癫痫;从痰论治;治神;守神

Summary of clinical experiences of Prof. Wu Xu on treatment of pediatric epilepsy from dissipating phlegm

Authors: 1RUAN Weiwei, 1BAO Chao, 1LI Yancai, 1CHEN Dong
1 Department of Acupuncture and Rehabilitation, Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029, China

CorrespondingAuthor: BAO Chao Email: drbaochao@163.com

DOI: 10.3978/j.issn.2095-6959.2018.09.038

Foundation: This work was supported by the Research Project on “Wu Xu Studio” of the Old Chinese Medicine Experts, China (2016-42).


According to “children often have inadequate spleen and heart, and often have superfluous liver”, Prof. Wu Xu considers that phlegm is to blame for pediatric epilepsy. Most of them are irritated by spleen and stomach disorders, and they were often frightened by wind, even disturbing spirit. Phlegm often associate with wind, fire, blood stasis, deficiency and intersecting cause diseases. Prof. Wu Xu is good at treatment of pediatric epilepsy from dissipating phlegm, who aims to quiet the mind and balance yin and yang in this way of transforming phlegm and extinguishing by acupuncture and moxibustion. In the course of clinical treatment, Prof. Wu Xu emphasizes the key to curative effect as “keeping spirit” and “regulating spirit”. And Prof. Wu Xu believes that daily living adjustment and family protection are very important in the prevention of epilepsy.
Keywords: famous doctor’s experiences; pediatric epilepsy; treatment of pediatric epilepsy from dissipating phlegm; regulating spirit; keeping spirit
